The Biotope around the Cowshed Withers and Dies and I Search for New Life There In The Pond, Pauline de Bok withdraws to her home in the countryside of Northeast Germany. But there too, in the midst of forests and lakes, the ecosystem is under threat: the water level is falling, trees are affected by disease and for the first time in twenty years the natural pond near her cowshed dries up. It is alarming, but she refuses to lose heart. She lays a new, clay pond, does battle with goosegrass and brambles, makes room for swallows, bats and insects. In the meantime, she ponders our relationship to nature and the extent to which human intervention is useful or necessary. ‘We happen to be an animal species, but within a century we have depleted the earth. And now we think we can carry on like that and save the day too.’ And if we do manage to turn the tide, what’s the point in the long run? ‘We are taking on ever greater burdens and at the same time we realize how powerless we are as individuals and how out of control as a species.’ In The Pond, daily toil on the farm is connected with fundamental questions about man and nature. ‘Writer and philosopher Pauline de Book shows that climate change is also being felt on her small farm in north-eastern Germany. She tries to grasp nature’s unfathomability.’ — Filosofie Magazine Pauline de Bok (b. 1956) read theology and philosophy before going into journalism and radio documentaries. She lives partly in Amsterdam and partly in the Mecklenburg countryside, the latter the inspiration for Blankow or the longing for Heimat (2006) which was translated into German and awarded the Annalise-Wagner Prize. A novel The Huntress was published in 2014, the non-fiction book Prey. A year of hunting in 2016. The German translation by Gerd Busse of De poel (2021) will be published by C.H. Beck in 2022. (Source: Nederlands Letterenfonds / Dutch Foundation for Literature) German Edition by C.H.Beck (february 2022):
Taal / Language
- About Prey. A year of hunting
- Berichten van een naderend einde (fragment)
- Beute. Mein Jahr auf der Jagd
- Blankow oder Das Verlangen nach Heimat
- Blankow of het verlangen naar Heimat
- Buit. Een jachtjaar
- De beleidsmachine
- De jaagster
- Doodsberichten
- Het land van Lely. Reisboek in 103 stukken
- Kleurrijk ondernemen
- Leven met hiv
- Steden zonder geheugen. In het voetspoor van Isaak Babel
- Stof tot stof
- SWR-Bestenliste 2010
- Tatzen im Schnee
- Van Brody naar Berestetsjko
- ‘Jochen, schaff dir eine Kuh an’
Kranten en tijdschriften
- Armada
- Biografie Lemmer-Delfzijl
- De Gids
- De Groene Amsterdammer
- De Jager
- Denkbeeld
- Divers
- Eigen Huis Magazine
- Filter
- Het Oog in 't Zeil
- Intermediair
- Literair Nederland
- Maandblad O
- Magazine Buit
- Mainline
- Markant
- Mentaal
- Metro
- NRC Handelsblad
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung
- Nordkurier
- Psychologie Magazine
- Seropositief verder
- Skipr
- Tijdschrift voor Verzorgenden
- Trouw
- Uit&thuis
- Universiteit Utrecht
- Universiteit van Amsterdam
- Vrij Nederland
- Website BStU
- de Humanist
- de Volkskrant
- ongepubliceerd